Author -  Sai gowtham

RGB Color Codes and Names for Html, Css

This below table shows you RGB color codes and names which are helpful in choosing colors for your website.

RGB Color codes are supported in all browsers

Color Name (R,G,B) Code


coral rgb(255,127,80)


lightsalmon rgb(233,150,122)


salmon rgb(250,128,114)


indianred rgb(205,92,92)


darksalmon rgb(233,150,122)


lightcoral rgb(240,128,128)


crimson rgb(220,20,60)


firebrick rgb(178,34,34)


red rgb(255,0,0)


gold rgb(255,215,0)


tomato rgb(255,99,71)


orangered rgb(255,69,0)


orange rgb(255,165,0)


darkorange rgb(255,140,0)


yellow rgb(255,255,0)


lightyellow rgb(255,255,224)


lemonchiffon rgb(255,255,224)


lightgoldenrodyellow rgb(250,250,210)


papayawhip rgb(255,239,213)


moccasin rgb(255,228,181)


peachpuff rgb(255,218,185)


palegoldenrod rgb(238,232,170)


khaki rgb(240,230,140)


darkkhaki rgb(189,183,107)


lightcyan rgb(224,255,255)


cyan rgb(0,255,255)


aqua rgb(0,255,255)


aquamarine rgb(127,255,212)


mediumaquamarine rgb(102,205,170)


paleturquoise rgb(175,238,238)


turquoise rgb(64,224,208)


mediumturquoise rgb(72,209,204)


darkturquoise rgb(0,206,209)


lightseagreen rgb(32,178,170)


cadetblue rgb(95,158,160)


darkcyan rgb(0,139,139)


teal rgb(0,128,128)


lawngreen rgb(124,252,0)


chartreuse rgb(127,255,0)


limegreen rgb(50,205,50)


lime rgb(0,255,0)


forestgreen rgb(34,139,34)


green rgb(0,128,0)


olive rgb(128,128,0)


darkgreen rgb(0,100,0)


greenyellow rgb(173,255,47)


yellowgreen rgb(154,205,50)


olivedrab rgb(107,142,35)


springgreen rgb(0,255,127)


mediumspringgreen rgb(0,250,154)


lightgreen rgb(144,238,144)


palegreen rgb(152,251,152)


darkolivegreen rgb(85,107,47)


darkseagreen rgb(143,188,143)


mediumseagreen rgb(60,179,113)


seagreen rgb(46,139,87)


mediumvioletred rgb(199,21,133)


pink rgb(255,192,203)


hotpink rgb(255,105,180)


lightpink rgb(255,182,193)


palevioletred rgb(219,112,147)


deeppink rgb(255,20,147)


powderblue rgb(176,224,230)


lightblue rgb(173,216,230)


lightskyblue rgb(135,206,250)


skyblue rgb(135,206,235)


deepskyblue rgb(0,191,255)


lightsteelblue rgb(176,196,222)


dodgerblue rgb(30,144,255)


cornflowerblue rgb(100,149,237)


slateblue rgb(106,90,205)


steelblue rgb(70,130,180)


darkslateblue rgb(72,61,139)


royalblue rgb(65,105,225)


navy rgb(0,0,128)


blue rgb(0,0,255)


mediumblue rgb(0,0,205)


mediumslateblue rgb(123,104,238)


midnightblue rgb(25,25,112)


darkblue rgb(0,0,139)


white rgb(255,255,255)


snow rgb(255,250,250)


honeydew rgb(240,255,240)


mintcream rgb(245,255,250)


oldlace rgb(253,245,230)


azure rgb(240,255,255)


aliceblue rgb(240,248,255)


ivory rgb(255,255,240)


ghostwhite rgb(248,248,255)


whitesmoke rgb(245,245,245)


seashell rgb(255,245,238)


beige rgb(245,245,220)


mistyrose rgb(255,228,225)


floralwhite rgb(255,250,240)


antiquewhite rgb(250,235,215)


linen rgb(250,240,230)


lavenderblush rgb(255,240,245)


darkslategray rgb(47,79,79)


gainsboro rgb(220,220,220)


lightslategray rgb(119,136,153)


lightgray rgb(211,211,211)


black rgb(0,0,0)


gray rgb(128,128,128)


silver rgb(192,192,192)


darkgray rgb(169,169,169)


dimgray rgb(105,105,105)


slategray rgb(112,128,144)

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