Author -  Sai gowtham

How to disable Links in Html

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about three different ways to disable a link (<a>) tags in Html.

First way

We can disable link tags using css property pointer-events:none.


<a class="disabled" href="">Google</a>

By adding pointer-events with value none makes the html element doesn’t respond to any cursor or touch events.

Second way

We can also disable links by setting href property to empty quotes using JavaScript.


<a class="disabled" href="">Google</a>
const disable = document.querySelector('.disabled');

//disabling link by removing href attribute value
disable.href = "";

Third way

Whenever user clicks on a disabled link they didn’t know the link is disabled, instead we can notify the users that this link is disabled by creating an alert message using JavaScript.


<a class="disabled" href="">Google</a>
const disable = document.querySelector('.disabled');

disable.href="javascript:alert('im disabled for some reasons')";

Now, if a user clicks on a Google link they will see an alert message.

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