30+ Vscode keyboard shortcuts that improve your Productivity
Today, I’m going to show you 30+ vscode keyboard shortcuts that will improve your productivity in day to day coding.
Note: If you are using windows, then use Ctrl
in the place of Cmd
1. Opening command pallete
To open a command palette, you can use Cmd + Shift + P
or F1
2. Opening new window/instance
To open a new vscode window, you can use Shift + Cmd + N
3. Closing a window/instance
To close an opened window, you can use Cmd + W
4. Opening files
To quickly open your project files, you can use Cmd + P
5. User settings
To open the user settings, you can use Cmd + ,
6. Moving the line-up
To move the code line up, you can use Alt + ↑
7. Moving the line down
To move the code line down, you can use Alt + ↓
8. Selecting the multiple lines up
To select the multiple lines of code, you can use Shift + Alt + ↑
9. Selecting the multiple lines down
To select the multiple lines of code, you can use Shift + Alt + ↓
10. Deleting the line
To delete the line, you can use Cmd + Shift + K
11. Inserting the line below
To insert the line below, you can use Cmd + Enter
12. Inserting the line above
To insert the line above, you can use Cmd + Shift + Enter
13. Jumping to matching bracket
To jump to a matching bracket, you can use Cmd + Shift + \
14. Indenting line
To indent the line, you can use Cmd + ]
15. Outdenting line
To outdent the line, you can use Cmd + [
16. Moving to file beginning
To move to the beginning of a file, you can use Cmd + ↑
17. Moving to file end
To move to the end of a file, you can use Cmd + ↓
18. Folding region
To fold the region, you can use Alt+ Cmd + [
19. Unfolding region
To unfold the region, you can use Alt+ Cmd + ]
20. Toggle line comment
To add or remove line comment, you can use Cmd + /
21. Toggle block comment
To add or remove block comment, you can use Shift + Alt + A
22. Inserting cursor
To insert a cursor, you can use Alt + click
23. Selecting the current line
To select the current line, you can use Cmd + L
24. Selecting all occurrence of a word
To select all occurrences of a selected word, you can use Cmd + F2
25. Find
To find anything in the current file, you can use Cmd + F
26. Zoom In
To zoom in, you can use Cmd +
27. Zoom Out
To zoom out, you can use Cmd -
28. Show or hide sidebar
To show or hide the sidebar, you can use Cmd + \
29. Closing editor
To close a current editor, you can use Cmd + W
30. Reopen closed editor
To reopen closed editor, you can use Cmd + Shift + T
31. Previewing markdown
To preview the markdown, you can use Cmd + Shift + V
32. Opening integrated terminal
To open the integrated terminal, you can use Ctrl + `.
33. Errors & Warnings
If you want to see errors and warnings in your project, you can use Cmd + Shift + M