Author -  Sai gowtham

Get last 2 digits of a number in Python

In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to get the last 2 digits of a number in Python with the help of examples.

In Python, strings are the sequence of characters, where the index of the last character is 0, the second character is 1, third character is 3 and the last character index -1.

Consider, we have a following number:

pin = 67683

To get the last 2 digits of a number:

  1. Convert the number to a string using the str() Function.

  2. Use the slicing syntax [-2:] to access the last 2 characters of a string.

  3. Convert the result back to a number to get the last 2 digits of the number.

Here is an example:

pin = 67683
last_two_str = str(pin)[-2:]

result = int(last_two_str) # str to int



In the example above, first we converted the number to a string. So that we can use the slicing syntax on it.

You can access the characters of a string, by using the slicing syntax and specifying an start and stop index.

str[pin][-2:], here we only passed the start index to the slicing syntax, so it starts slicing the characters from a position -2, and all the way to the end.

Note: Negative indexes are used to get data from the end of a string.

At last we have used the int() function to convert the string to a number.

or You can get the last 2 digits of a number, by dividing the number by 100 using modulo operator %.

Here is an example:

pin = 67683
last_two_digits = pin % 100

print(last_two_digits) # 83

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