Author -  Sai gowtham

How to add external stylesheets to react

In react apps we don’t need to add link tags manually to the HTML files.

React is a JavaScript library used to build single page apps the term “single page” means there is only a single html file which is re-using for every page we created in our app.

Let’s see an example of adding style sheets in react.js.

Suppose our app has blog-post.js page and we need to add a external style sheet to that page.

import React from 'react';

class BlogPost extends React.Component{

          <h1>My first post</h1>
          <h1>My second post</h1>
          <h1>My third post</h1>


export default BlogPost;

Now we are creating a blog-post.css file and defining our styles.



Its time to add our style sheet to the blog-post.js file.

We need to import the blog-post.css file inside the blog-post.js file like how we import the components or modules in react.

import React from 'react';
import './blog-post.css'

class BlogPost extends React.Component{

        <div className="post-list">
          <h1>My first post</h1>
          <h1>My second post</h1>
          <h1>My third post</h1>


export default BlogPost;

In the react apps we need to use clasName to add styles instead of class.


react external style sheet example

Why we are using className instead of class?

Beginners to the react are probably get confused what is reason to use className instead of normal class we use in html files.

The HTML we write inside the react apps is not an HTML it is a JSX and it is passed down to the babel compiler and converted into JavaScript at last everything we write HTML like syntax is just a JavaScript.

In JavaScript class is a reserved keyword so that we need to use className to add styles instead of class.

If you use create-react-app to bootstrap your app.At the time of development, you can see all external style sheets you created but if you run npm run build command you can only see index.css file because all css files are concatenated into a single index.css file.

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